donderdag 16 april 2015

Schoolweek 30-35

March 12th, German Day @University Of Michigan

With all the Anthony Wayne students that have a German class, we went to Ann Arbor, University Of Michigan. We didn't go to the main campus, but to older buildings that belong to the University. With some of the German students we did a small act. It was very cool to see how big the buildings were, and how spread out the whole University is. Michigan University has around 43.500 students.
I didn't take a lot of pictures...

March 26th, Hopefully our last day of snow haha!

March 26th, START TRIP FLORIDA. I have a separate post for the Florida trip.

April 6th. First tennis match! 

Because basketball season is over I chose to play tennis in Spring. It is a lot of fun. I had a week of practice before Spring Break (Florida trip). Now I have a match on Monday till Thursday, for 4 weeks in a row! Before I went on spring break I had to play against other players from our school to see what position I will be playing. I won against everyone, that means that I will play the #1 SINGLES for Anthony Wayne. 

I do realize that I will be playing against the best players from the different schools, but I think it is a good experience for me, and hopefully I will learn a lot!

I have some pictures of a match on April 14th.

When we go to an away match and we are with a small group we travel in this small bus, its new... I think it is a pretty cool bus:

April 8th, basketball banquet.

To end the season, all the high schools basketball players were invited for the banquet. The 4 coaches (for the 3 teams) and all parents were there too. The coaches had for every player a small speech, where they told their highlight and the good things about the player (as a person). It was a lot of fun listening to what the coaches thought about all the players. During the banquet all the Seniors got some presents. At the end, one of the guys gave me a t-shirt, on which all my teammates wrote their name on.
Here a picture of the presents I got:
Left: Tshirt, CD with highlights and some funny pictures, big poster
Middle: Certificate (All Academic Award)
Right: Poster board with picture, t-shirt with names on it, AW-Logo with a button that I completed 1 season of AWHS Basketball.

I worked for 2 hours at night on a nice poster to ask Mii (exchange student from Finland) to prom. And she said yes! On May 2nd we will be going to PROM together.

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